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Comment #1 for CPUC/CEC/ARB/CalISO Renewables Symposium
(renewablesympsium-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Benjamin
Last Name: Matek
Email Address:
AffiliationGeothermal Energy Association
SubjectGeothermal Power
Dear CPUC, CEC, ARB, and CalISO, 
The Geothermal Energy Association encourages you to consider
geothermal power as a vehicle to help meet California’s carbon
reduction goals. Geothermal power can provide substantial clean,
economic and environmental friendly power to the state of

Geothermal power plants:
•Have one of the smallest land footprints of any energy technology

•Provide clean and baseload power that can substitute baseload
fossil fuel sources megawatt for megawatt.
•When properly incentivized and engineered to do so, geothermal
power can also provide ancillary services and flexible power
including load following, ramping, and reserves. 
•Employ about 1.17 persons per MW at each operating power plant.
These are permanent jobs that last the entire 30-50 year lifetime
of the power plant.
•Pay significant amount of property taxes, rents, and royalties to
state treasuries to fund state budgets, infrastructure, and
•Only about half of the state's resources are currently utilized.
There is an estimated 2.5 GW of traditional geothermal power that
has not been developed across the state.
•Can help mitigate the looming environmental catastrophe at the
Salton Sea by controlling patriciate matter emissions and providing
revenues through, taxes, royalties and rents for restorations

The Geothermal Energy Association is a trade association comprised
of over 100 U.S. companies that support the expanded use of
geothermal energy and are developing geothermal resources worldwide
and in California for electrical power generation and direct-heat

Original File Name: Cali

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-07-13 05:54:32

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