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Comment #6 for Agriculture Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan
(sp-agriculture-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Alexander
Last Name: Clayton
Email Address:
SubjectMethane Capture/Reduction
While I am encouraged that the ARB is looking into the agricultural
sector with regard to reducing GHG emissions, I am disappointed
with the low expectations for agriculture, particularly the
scoping plan, which only mentions one potential ton reduction from
methane capture at large dairies. It has been proven worldwide that
GHG emissions from livestock are even greater than those from
transportation. I have personally bought annual carbon offsets for
my car, half of them coming from wind and the other half from
methane capture at manure lagoons, so there is no question that
"recycling" methane to keep it out of the atmosphere and use it
for energy needs is already being done. We need to encourage it

Additionally,  many in the know are aware of the significant
methane emissions from bovine digestion, which raises the question
of whether a carbon tax should be applied to cow products, such as
beef and milk.

ARB needs to push harder in this area, which is ripe for reducing
GHG emissions and closing the loop on the bovine cycle, thus
creating a more sustainable environment.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-07-17 17:33:39

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