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Comment #17 for Design Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan
(sp-design-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Timi
Last Name: Most
Email Address:
SubjectRegarding Scoping Plan
California Interfaith Power and Light is an interfaith
environmental ministry dedicated to working with California’s
faith community to address the grave threat to humanity and all
Creation posed by global warming.  CIPL has more than 500 member
congregations in California and is part of a national Interfaith
Power and Light movement operating in 26 states. 
 In 2006, California Interfaith Power and Light worked for passage
of AB 32. Our member congregations have prevented over 20 million
pounds of carbon dioxide emissions from entering the atmosphere
through energy efficiency efforts.  
 California Interfaith Power and Light wants to make sure that
implementation of AB 32 is just, fair, and effective.  To that
end, I, Timi Most as a member of CIPL and Christ Church
Congregation in Portola Valley, urge the Air Resources Board to
embrace the following elements in its final Scoping Plan and in
any collaboration between California and the Western Climate
 1. Ensure that any plan to distribute carbon emission allowances
and revenues is done in a fair and equitable manner.
 2. Auction 100% of the allowances and designate revenues to
assist low-income people in adapting to AB 32 through energy
efficiency programs, transportation alternatives, and bill payment
assistance. Funds should also be used for green jobs training and
clean energy investments.  CIPL does not support free giveaways of
allowances.  CIPL’s position is that polluters should pay the full
 4. Ensure that working people can transition to new green jobs,
and that worker retraining is available for that purpose.
 5. Given that the Draft Scoping Plan includes working with the
Western Climate Initiative partners on a cap-and-trade program,
ensure that the WCI’s scope includes transportation fuels in order
to maintain the environmental integrity of WCI and to achieve the
lowest cost economy-wide emissions reductions.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-07-18 17:05:41

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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