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Comment #4 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update - Recirculated Draft Environmental Anlysis
(sp22-recirc-ea-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Gilbert
Last Name: Adjoyi
Email Address:
Subjectcomment to sp22-recirc-ea-ws.
It is important that the time frame for achieving net zero
emissions be brought forward to 2030 as suggested by others.

The biggest contributor to reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the
replacement of internal combustion engine vehicles with electric

The concern about power sector infrastructure to accommodate the
replacement is best done by providing fast charging stations at
parking lots at work, in front of shops, in residential buildings
including apartment buildings, at amusement parks and anywhere they
can be done.

To provide adequate power for charging electric vehicles,
photovoltaic solar energy and wind with storage batteries and
hydrogen, and hydropower with pumped up storage etc. need to be
rapidly developed.
Importantly emphasis must be on working with apartment building
owners to build photovoltaic solar energy on their apartment roofs
to be fed into the main building electrical power supplies, to
supplement the entire buildings' electricity needs and consequently
lower residents electricity bills. Majority of the population live
in apartment buildings. They would be able to charge their electric
cars from their apartment garages while the sun shines.

Solar thermal, geothermal solid fuel biomass and biogas should not
be prioritized at the moment because they either emit heat,
greenhouse gases including methane which weaken the effort at
combating excessive global warming.

Similarly, mechanical carbon capture even if ambient, except at the
source without any escaping as for example at landfills,
atmospheric removal of carbon and carbon squestration are ellusive
efforts that should not be prioritized at this crucial time of
efforts to reduce emissions and combat global warming.

Some people falsely believe that if they purchase electric
vehicles, they will spend more money than buying internal
combustion vehicles. There is the need to arrange talks with people
who already have electric vehicles to affirm the cost advantages of
purchasing electric vehicles, especially with the Boards susbsidies
now in place. The users should emphasize the less maintenance and
lower fuel costs to the public through talks at Townhall meetings,
webinars etc.

It is also disheartening that the Boards recommendations are
advisory without federal, statutory or gubernatorial enforcement
powers. However, when the people are educated to see the health and
environmental benefits of the drastic actions, they will cooperate
to help have the changes happen.
Thank you for the opportunity to add my little thoughts.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-09-22 22:37:44

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