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harp -- HARP File Converter

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 15:46:45
To:  Users of the HARP Software,

Available for your review is the beta version of the HARP File

    The HARP File Converter is a software program that takes
files from an air dispersion analysis (AERMOD, ISC) and converts
them into text files that can be imported into the HARP Risk
Module.  The HARP File Converter will also calculate rolling
averages that are used in acute evaluations.

    Please note that this version of the HARP File Converter is
intended for evaluation purposes only.  If you want to use it
for a project, please contact your local air district for their

    Please download and test the HARP File Converter and send
any comments to Michele Houghton at the Air Resources Board
(mhoughto@arb.ca.gov).  You can download the HARP File Converter
at http://www.arb.ca.gov/toxics/harp/downloads.htm .

Website Redesign:

    The HARP website has been redesigned to make it easier to
navigate and find information.

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