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ghg-rep -- GHG Reporters – Dates for Training Webinars

Posted: 04 Mar 2009 09:05:29
California’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting Tool Training Site is
now up and running and sector-specific training webinars have
been scheduled. 
Access to the Reporting Tool and user guidance documents can be
found at http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/reporting/ghg-rep/ghg-tool.htm.
 First-time users with access codes should first click the
“Register” button (not "Login"), and then use the ARB ID and
access code provided in the letter mailed February 25.

In addition to detailed written guidance for users, the ARB is
providing training webinars this month on using the Reporting
Tool to complete GHG emissions reports.  These sector-specific
webinars are scheduled for the following dates:

Industrial Sector                 Date          Time (PDT)
-----------------------------    --------     -------------
General Stationary Combustion    March 17     10 AM to Noon
Cement Plants                    March 26     10 AM to Noon
Retail Providers & Marketers     March 26     1 PM to 3 PM
Electricity Generating 
   & Cogeneration Facilities     March 27     10 AM to Noon
Refineries & Hydrogen Plants     March 30    9:30 AM to 12:30

Registration information for the webinars is forthcoming.  To
assure notification, be sure you are included on the GHG
mandatory reporting list serve: 
 Questions may be directed to ghgreport@arb.ca.gov, as well as
requests for access to the reporting tool Training Site for

The Reporting Tool was designed to help affected facilities and
entities fully and successfully comply with California’s
mandatory GHG reporting regulation.  The first emissions reports
are due June 1, 2009.

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