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harp -- HARP 1.4b has been released

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 14:44:22
This email is to notify you that the new HARP version is now
available for download from the HARP website.  Please go to:

Please contact YanPing Zuo at (916) 327-1617 or yzuo@arb.ca.gov
if you have any questions.

HARP 1.4b Change Details:

1.  On the Process screens in the Emission Inventory Module, the
percent sulfur content field width has been increased to eight
characters.  This change corresponds to the recent change made to
the percent sulfur field in the CEDIARS database.  The field
width and decimal length for percent sulfur are now seven and
six, respectively.

2.  Bug Fixed:  An error occurred when importing areawide source
transaction files without a HARP parent record.

3.  Bug Fixed: An error occurred when opening a HARP generated
KML file that contained special characters (i.e., <, >, ‘, and

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