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sb375 -- SB 375 Methodology to Review SCS Greenhouse Gas Reductions is Posted

Posted: 19 Jul 2011 13:18:41
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) staff has posted its
“Description of Methodology for ARB Staff Review of Greenhouse
Gas Reductions from Sustainable Communities Strategies (SCS)
Pursuant to SB 375.”   The document describes the process that
ARB staff will follow to evaluate whether an SCS will achieve the
region’s greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. The web
address to view/download the report is:


The Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008
requires ARB to review each adopted SCS and either accept or
reject the Metropolitan Planning Organization’s determination
that the strategy would, if implemented, achieve the region’s
greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.  

If you have questions about this document, please contact Lucille
van Ommering, Manager, State Implementation Plan and Local
Government Section, at 
(916) 322-8261 or lvanomme@arb.ca.gov 

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