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dg -- New DG Certification DG-036 – Bloom Energy Corporation

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 14:52:39
The California Air Resources Board has issued an Executive Order
(EO) for Distributed Generation Certification to Bloom Energy
Corporation. The EO applies to Bloom Energy Corporation’s 200 kW
ES-5700 fuel cell technology.  To view the EO, please go to ARB's
Distributed Generation Program website at the URL below and click
on "Current" link under Executive Orders on the left side of the


Distributed Generation (DG) refers to electrical generation
sources that are located near the place of use of the electrical
energy.  Senate Bill (SB) 1298 (chaptered in 2000) required the
Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) to establish a distributed
generation certification program for electrical generation
technologies that are exempt from local air district permits.
Pursuant to SB 1298, the Board adopted a DG Certification
regulation in 2001. The DG Certification program established
emission standards that manufacturers must meet in order to sell
DG technologies in the State.

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