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tru -- ARB’s Funding Proposal for Zero Emission TRUs and Distribution Center Infrastructure

Posted: 16 Apr 2015 13:07:52
The California Air Resources Board's (ARB) Proposition 1B Goods
Movement Program is proposing new eligible project funding for
zero emission transport refrigerators TR) and distribution center
(DC) infrastructure categories. 

Transport refrigeration unit (TRU) fleets and refrigerated
distribution centers that are interested in funding for zero
emission TRs or DC infrastructure may be interested in a workshop
webcast that is scheduled for Monday, April 27, 2015, from 2:00
p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to learn about ARB’s proposed Prop 1B funding
guidelines update.  Zero emission TRs are all-electric TRs,
cryogenic TRs, or fuel cell-powered TRs that must be used with DC
infrastructure.  DC infrastructure includes electric power plugs
that are compatible with (and would be used with) all-electric
TRs, hybrid-electric TRUs, or TRUs equipped with electric
standby.  Infrastructure also includes cryogenic refrigeration
fueling equipment leases that would be used with cryogenic TRs.

Staff’s draft concept paper includes the following proposed
funding amounts:
- Replace 5 existing TRUs with 5 zero emission TRs - $200,000 or
80% cost cap
- Install 10 electric power plugs at DC - $30,000 or 50% cost
- Lease cryogenic fueling Infrastructure - $60,00 or 50% cost

The workshop notice and the draft concept paper for the
Proposition 1B:  Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program Update
to Program Guidelines is available at:


Here is a link to CalEPA’s Webcast Website:


Scroll down to the April 27, 2015, listing for Public Workshops
to the workshop title "Discuss Proposed Updates to the Prop 1B

This funding program is intended to encourage commercialization
and customer interest in zero emission TRs, which will help the
State capture emissions benefits in and around refrigerated DCs,
promote wider zero emission TR use, and demonstrate potential
cost savings and economic viability for the end user.

Background:  California voters approved $1 billion in bond
funding under Proposition 1B in 2006.  The Proposition 1B:  Goods
Movement Emission Reduction Program is a partnership between the
ARB and local agencies (like air districts and ports) to reduce
air pollution emissions and health risk from freight movement
along California’s trade corridors.  ARB provides funding to
eligible agencies; those agencies then offer financial incentives
to owners of equipment used in freight movement to upgrade to
cleaner technologies prior to regulatory requirements.

If you have any questions, please call ARB's Goods Movement
Information Line at: (916) 44-GOODS (444-6637) or contact us via
email at gmbond@arb.ca.gov.

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