Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 15:50:54 -0700 Subject: certabr -- Updates to Abrasive Blasting Certification Website From: There is a new feature available on the Abrasive Blasting Certification webpage. All of the old, expired Executive Orders, back to 1976, are available online in PDF format at The most current Executive Order is also available on this page. Remember, an abrasive which is sold by its producer or vendor during the certified period is certified for use until it is gone. It is not required that the abrasive be used only during the period it is certified. A legal opinion on this issue available online at Kathryn Gugeler 916-322-0221 ====================================================================== You are subscribed to the certabr mailing list. To UNSUBSCRIBE: Please go to and enter your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists." To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will receive an automatic email message confirming that you have successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer at . The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our website at ======================================================================