Title: The ARB Scoping Plan Needs An All Out Effort to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and maintain human health and happiness. Comment by Lee McKusick on Draft Scoping Plan May 16, 2022 Addressed to the California Air Resources Board Thank you California Air Resources Board. About the author. About 45 years ago I wrote a study of the Los Angeles Public Bus System titled “Busbook I” From 2008 to 2017 I continued my study of the bus system at the blog https://lessco2essay.blogspot.com/. Starting in 2017 I write a blog with the current entry as follows. https://www.lowco2america.com/2022/04/ten-year-all-out-effort.html Scoping Plan Comment by Lee McKusick I remember peering inside an air pollution monitoring station about 1954 that was located in a public park near the Pasadena City Hall. I remember the back yard incinerator that became unused about 1955. I remember being puzzled when second grade classmates told me a joke “You see L A when the smog lifts.” So I say Thank You to the California Air Resource Board for 68 years of clean air work. Quote from https://research.noaa.gov/article/ArtMID/587/ArticleID/2764/Coronavirus-response-barely-slows-rising-carbon-dioxide the following: Pieter Tans, a senior scientist with NOAA’s Global Monitoring Laboratory, noted that CO2 is by far the most abundant human-caused greenhouse gas, and persists in the atmosphere and oceans for thousands of years after it is emitted.  “We are adding roughly 40 billion metric tons of CO2 pollution to the atmosphere per year,” said Tans. “That is a mountain of carbon that we dig up out of the Earth, burn, and release into the atmosphere as CO2 - year after year. If we want to avoid catastrophic climate change, the highest priority must be to reduce CO2  pollution to zero at the earliest possible date.”  I urge a 10 year plan with 90% reduction of greenhouse gases. I urge the staff of the scoping plan and the entire Air Resources Board to design and implement a greenhouse gas reduction program that will have a ten year time frame and accomplish a 90 % reduction of greenhouse gases. The reduction will at the same time maintain food, health and the pursuit of happiness for the people participating in the reduction program. Let me emphasize this: The reduction program must take care of the people who participate. The gases themselves are simply molecules that happen to absorb infrared energy. The scoping plan needs a financial instrument of exchange specifically designed to accomplish reduction in fossil fuel CO2 emissions. For instance, based on $3.50 / gallon gasoline and 19.6 lb CO2 per gallon then a thousand kilograms of CO2 not emitted is worth $393.33. Using Pieter Tan’s 40 billion ton per year figure, then 40 x 10^9 tons x $393.33 ==> $ 16 ^12 dollars. The Scoping Plan needs to implement multiple feedback paths of measuring greenhouse gases. We need to collect satellite ghg data together with existing California instrumentation network to produce daily greenhouse gas emission and movement. Bring the efforts at GHG reduction under cybernetic control.i More editorial material at my blog: https://www.lowco2america.com/2022/01/cybernetics-how-do-we-get-fastest.html The task of the Air Resources Board is much bigger than smog in Los Angeles in 1953. I urge the ARB and the Scoping team to think of emissions reduction activity as a portable document that can be read, copied and adopted world wide. The not-emit fossil fuel instrument of exchange in particular should be designed to be portable to other political cultures. Thank you for the invitation to comment on the 2022 scoping plan. Lee McKusick