Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 13:31:28 -0800 Subject: dms -- Certification communication approaches From: To All Manufacturers: This is to let you know that certification staff has come up with additional approaches to provide feedback on the status of your certification applications. Currently, as certification applications are received and reviewed, staff communicates with manufacturers’ representatives through phone, email, DMS, and face to face meetings. I believe communication has been very good. Staff works to ensure that missing pieces of an application are submitted, assistance is offered, questions are answered, and issues are resolved. As a result, manufacturers EOs are issued in reasonable time periods. Even though we are meeting our certification goals, streamlining the certification process can improve efficiency and timing. Staff has developed improvements to communicating with manufacturers’ certification representatives. We will be initiating certain additional feedback/communication approaches in the coming weeks. If you have any questions about emails or letters you receive or if you have comments about any of the changes you experience, either positive or negative, please contact me at 626.450.6152 or Thank you Jackie Lourenco, Chief New Vehicle and Engine Programs Branch Mobile Source Operations Division ====================================================================== You are subscribed to the dms mailing list. To UNSUBSCRIBE: Please go to and enter your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists." To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will receive an automatic email message confirming that you have successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer at . The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our website at ======================================================================