District Resources for Emission Inventory - Maintaining Inventories

This page last reviewed March 13, 2013

District Liaisons - ARB staff liaisons work with districts to create and maintain emission inventory data.

Organizations - Lists of public and non-public organizations dedicated to Emission Inventories. Also, a list of ARB contacts for various programs.

Database References - Information on the structure and usage of ARB's emission inventory databases, including CEIDARS, CEFS and CEIDARS-Lite / HARP.

ARB Emission Inventory and the Federal Government - Information on what inventory data the ARB submits to the federal government, why it is submitted, and what is done with the data. Includes links to pages on CERR, NEI, and the FRS.

Needs and Legal Requirements for Emission Inventory - Information on why the ARB needs emission inventory data from districts, and what legal mandates allow it to do so.

Quality Assurance - Quality Assurance reports for ARB's Emission Inventory (district use only). For access, contact Vincent Agusiegbe at (916) 322-7078.

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