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Comment 10 for Public Input on Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds (investmentplan-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Leonard
Last Name: Robinson
Email Address:
Affiliation: California Black Chamber of Commerce

Subject: Cap & Trade Auction Proceed Investment Recommendations
There is a provision existing in AB 32 that engages “disadvantaged
communities”. For purposes of these recommendations “disadvantaged
communities” is defined as under-served communities and
under-utilized businesses.

There are three things that the proceeds should be invested: a)
transformation of (under-utilized) businesses to engage in
practices, procedures, products and services that help realize the
green houses gas (GHG) reduction goals of AB 32; b) green job
education and training for (under-served)youth and
veterans…especially those returning from Gulf War service; and c)
health studies for those (under-served) communities that are
disportionately impacted by air pollution.

These 10 points that should be implemented into auction proceeds
strategy.  The investment shall:
1.Have a direct nexus with the GHG reduction goals of AB 32
2.Engage under-utilized businesses in GHG reduction policies;
practices; products and services
3.Directly and indirectly stimulate green job creation through the
engagement of under-utilzed businesses
4.Provide green technical education and training to under-served
5.Study the health effects of under-served communities that receive
a disportionate amount of air pollution
6.Have an identifiable environmental and economical return on
7.Be shovel ready
8.Contain economical and environmental performance measures
9.Be replicable
10.Be sustainable

Attached is an outline of the California Black Chamber of Commerce
Green Initiative that incorporates the above-listed


Original File Name: Green Initiative.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2012-06-03 17:25:22

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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